Like many of you, I read a lot of stuff about moms, kids, and parenting. I keep up with the current research and relax with a steaming mug of Irish tea and a few words from some of my favorite writers each day.
I love that mom voices are everywhere these days.
With one exception….
The so-called myth of supermom. I’ve read countless pieces referencing the fact that supermom doesn’t exist. No mom is perfect and we all have our moments. There’s some truth to that, of course. No mom is perfect. What is perfect, anyway? Don’t we all have our own goals? Don’t we all have our own styles and kids who are all individuals? How can we possibly measure perfection when we are not the same?
That’s not the troubling part, though.
I don’t like it that moms feel the need to excuse the so-called imperfections. I don’t like it that moms measure their days in mishaps instead of celebrating the small victories. If you take to Facebook with a picture of something great, you stand accused of only sharing the good and sweeping the bad under the carpet.
Here’s the thing: We are all supermoms. Parenting is hard work. Sure, there are less than ideal moments. That’s life. But there are so many great moments. So many small moments that fill us with happiness. And the work we do to make those moments happen? That’s what makes us super.
I’m over at HuffPost Parents talking about Supermom. Let’s own it, mamas. We deserve those capes.
Won’t you join me over there and help share the super?